Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Temporary Goodbye to Germany

With Kemba at the zoo.

There is a lot to say, but I am fading fast. I have some exciting research from the past week to share (and a watsoversary tomorrow, and a quarterly report, oh my). It's after midnight though and all that has to wait until tomorrow (or longer). There was frost on the ground for the first time last night and I'm already craving the warmth of my yellow comforter.

My last few days here in Wannewitz have disappeared into saying goodbyes to people I feel like I've been with much longer than two and a half weeks. I've gotten into such a pattern of coming and going this year that it feels very strange to be saying goodbye so soon. Tomorrow I'm leaving for a week sightseeing in Copenhagen before returning to Germany for more research, this time to Berlin.

Before that I need some sleep to prepare me for a bright and early train ride to the Berlin airport, and more importantly, to prepare me for a sleepy-eyed goodbye to this lovely family who has given me a warm & busy home for the past few weeks.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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